S.W.A.T-Sealed With A Tsk Drac(Ian) w/Elvira's..Me, Miss Julie, & Wendworld I SAID I was gonna do it... A ponderin' moment... A Terminator II Moment.... Still practicin' with cut n' paste. Anyhoo, here's Wendy as Buffy. One wayy kewl tsker, eh?

Les McKeown caught by tsker. ZiggyMac revealed during webcam...tsk Ian & Wendy showin' their tskers. Rare photo of Lori T. and her tsker. Cut n' paste of Wendy as Shakira and Me as Britney....Riiiiiight We can't forget Mr. Tag....*sniff* Ian readin' about Rosetta Stone Fest 2003 The Ian tsker catchin' some shut-eye

Me, after the shepherds pie cooking contest against Ian. Well, it COULD happen! The story behind the contest and the fallen judge.:-( Is it any wonder why I tsk the Ziggster? Mel & I, when we offered to tend Ian while Wendworld was away...she was real thankful, y'know. Ziggy & I on the way to Atlanty....okay,so my van converts. Us girls on the way to get marguarita's with Ziggy comfortably tied to the bumper.

Some way kewl graffiti My fantasy...to have Liam Neeson read to me while I'm in the tub...yeah! Here I am receiving pilot trainin' from none other than John Travolta...hard to believe I've never flown, huh?

Below: When Ziggy traveled the world with her tsker and didn't tell no body!

Ziggy the Tsker in Italy That l'il tsker in Paris! Ziggy the Tsker in Switzerland. The l'il tsker feelin' high & mighty in Germany. Ziggster tskin' one of Scotland's marchers... And here she is in England...tskin' away!


Okay, if anyone's interested in checking out some of the Dollz I've made this summer of 2003, then C'mon!


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